

Icons IoT

Move Beyond Simple Message Queues to the Power of Event Driven Messaging

Rapid Response to Real World Events

With Eradani Pub/Sub event processing, you do not need to check to see if you have received updates or new information. The minute an event occurs in the real world, data is transmitted to your system and Eradani Connect will initiate processing. This architecture can handle thousands of messages per second.

Non-Proprietary Event-Based Messaging

Eradani Connect for Pub/Sub provides the key integrations required to allow your IBM i to use the best messaging provider for your needs. Eradani Connect integrates your IBM i with Event Brokers from Amazon, Azure, Google, Kafka, and more, allowing you to use the same messaging technologies the rest of your company uses.

Open Architecture Means Lowest Cost

Eradani Connect for Pub/Sub is designed to work with Open Event Brokers like Kafka, Gazette, etc. These solutions are typically less expensive to operate and can greatly reduce your total cost of ownership.

Highest Performance, Lowest Overhead

Legacy Messaging systems come with significant overhead while providing only a fraction of the speed and performance of modern solutions like Kafka, Amazon SQS/SNS, and Azure Service Bus. Watch your performance explode from processing a few messages per second to thousands of transactions per second.

A Transportation Company Enables
Near-Real-Time Fleet Updates by
Changing to Event Driven Architecture

A major transportation company grew its business and fleet of trucks dramatically in a short period of time. As their need for more operational data grew, they relied on point-to-point integrations between their IBM i and each new platform they onboarded. These point-to-point integrations were very fragile and required numerous duplicate messages to be created for the same event, resulting in an exponential increase in data volume. Data needed within seconds took weeks to process because of the backlog created by the data deluge.

Since they were already an Eradani Connect customer, they chose to add Eradani Pub/Sub to their solutions mix. With the addition of the Eradani Connect Pub/Sub module, the company was able to rearchitect its integrations to a true event based messaging schema, allowing events to be published once and used by any platform subscribed. The result was a dramatic decrease in duplicate event data and the ability for all events to be processed in less than 10 seconds across their entire enterprise.

How Our Customer Benefits From Eradani Connect Pub/Sub

True Event-Based Messaging for the IBM i eliminates fragile connections and duplicate data.

Ultra-high-performance transaction processing supports thousands of transactions per second.

Eradani’s Open Architecture allows you to use the best message broker for the job.

Want to Know More About
Pub/Sub and Event-Driven Messaging for IBM i?

Schedule a demo to see how Eradani Connect can help you with Pub/Sub.