I’ve noticed several threads on LinkedIn and the IBM i message boards recently discussing the difficulty of bringing JSON data into IBM i programs. Well, your troubles are over! When you want to call an Open Source program or Web service, the latest version of Eradani Connect handles all of the connection, parsing, and data translation for you.
With the new Eradani IBM i to Open Source connector, RPG developers can call an Open Source program or Web service by simply calling an Eradani program passing it the appropriate parameters (like they would call any other program). The Eradani program then manages the connection to the Web service or Open Source program and handles all of the translation from RPG parameters to JSON and then back from JSON to RPG parameters. From the perspective of the RPG developer, they have just called a program with parameters and gotten parameter data back—no JSON parsing or connection management necessary. Eradani Connect has done all of that for them.
More importantly, Eradani Connect requires no proprietary coding techniques—the RPG code is standard RPG and the Open Source code is written according to its standards. Eradani Connect also simplifies maintenance. As you make changes to the data schema, it will automatically keep the Open Source and RPG code in sync by generating the connection code for you.
If you want to check it out, contact us here.
We look forward to hearing from you!