Understanding generational differences in IT has become increasingly crucial in today’s tech landscape. As someone born in 1965, I’ve witnessed firsthand how these differences shape our industry’s culture and development practices. Not only does my birth year make me old, but it also puts me in a unique position to observe generational differences in IT teams. Baby Boomers are those born from 1946 to 1964. Generation X started in 1965 and ended in 1980. Technically, I’m Gen X, but just barely.
The Impact of Generational Differences in IT
I’m happy to call myself Gen X because there seems to be a lot of venom for Boomers out there in the universe of social media. A lot of this generational tension comes from Millennials (those born between 1981 and 1996), possibly in response to the criticism they’ve frequently received from Baby Boomers. After Millennials, and up through the birth year 2012, you have Generation Z. I think many Boomers lump Gen Z in with Millennials regarding how they perceive them as a generation. I think many Gen Z people side with Millennials when it comes to Boomers. Folks like me are primarily out of the line of fire in these battles, so I’m happy to take cover in Generation X.
Understanding Each Generation’s Technical Perspective
From what I have gathered while hiding in my Generation X bunker as salvos sail overhead, it boils down to two things: perception and a lack of perception. Let me explain. A lot (not all) of Boomers think all Millennials and all Gen Z people are lazy and entitled. A lot (not all) of Millennials and Gen Z people think all Boomers are out of touch with the challenges the modern world presents. I’m going to hunker down a little more and say something that might rankle a few feathers:
The truth is, it’s a little bit of both.
Managing Generational Differences in IT Teams
So, what does that mean to modern software development shops? What can you do about it if you are a team leader, manager, or director? To be clear, I’m not a sociologist or any other kind of behavioral specialist. I’m just an old IT guy, but I’ve seen a lot in my years. I’ve had to mend generational rifts in teams from time to time. It’s not always easy because, I’ll say it again, the gripes from both camps have at least some merits.
Let’s start with the Boomers (and some of us Gen X folks, to be honest). Back in the day, mistakes were a lot more expensive. Developers had to carefully measure their daily activities. You might only get two or three compiles of your monolithic COBOL magnum opus completed during a business day. A single misnamed variable or missing character could derail an entire day’s work. When you start thinking about what it was like “back in my day,” it’s pretty easy to generate resentment when you see the younger generation griping about how they can’t get downloads from the web faster than 200 megabits per second.
Bridging Generational Gaps in Technology Teams
Now, to the Millennials and Gen Z, Boomers are stuck in the past. Sure, they had creaky old compilers that moved at the speed of glaciers, and they didn’t have ChatGPT, GitHub, or even Google to supply them with ready answers to their deepest coding quagmires, but life was simple. Applications were glowing green text splattered onto black backgrounds, just like the WOPR in War Games. Sheesh. How hard could it be?
Best Practices for Multi-Generational IT Leadership
So, how do you bridge this chasm? How can each of these groups understand and appreciate the other? One of the key challenges in managing generational differences in IT is fostering mutual understanding. Honesty, a dose of old-fashioned humility, and perspective are all key.
Back in my college days, I had a t-shirt that looked exactly like this:

Somehow, forty years later, you can still buy these. That shirt was my good luck charm for four years. I wore it to every single exam. It got to be a running joke. People would come to me and want to rub their hands all over it to soak up some of the luck. It faded and became threadbare by the end of my senior year, but I never went to an exam without that shirt on my back. I can’t swear by its effectiveness, but I earned my degree, so there’s that.
The shirt may or may not have had any supernatural powers, but the sentiment underneath Einstein’s face is a profound truth. Older developers think the youngsters have it easy because of all the fancy tools at their disposal. Younger developers think the oldsters had it easy for decades because the challenges were not as daunting. Yes, and yes. No, and no. Both things are true and false at the same time, and I’m not talking about quantum states. I’m talking about how you look at things.
Here’s where honesty and humility come in. You can’t judge the present by the conditions of the past. It’s not fair. Things, indeed, are different. If you’re older like me, save the resentment and dispense wisdom. Share the value of the measured approach, but appreciate the forgiveness afforded by technology that can mitigate your mistakes. If you’re a younger developer, appreciate the foundation your elders have built and cut them some slack when it comes to adapting to change. Trust me, it’s not as easy when you get older.
If you’re a leader, manager, or director, recognize these relativistic challenges and remind your troops regularly how diverse perspectives can be a strength. Looking at a situation from multiple angles always yields better evaluation, better understanding, and a better approach. Recognize the value of experience. Embrace the value of emerging technologies and processes. Blend them to orchestrate the best possible environment for your team to thrive.