
IBM i Developers
and Eradani


It just works.

Why You Need Eradani Now

IBMi Dev Open

It's Open

Take advantage of all the new open technology options for IBM i. Make your IBM i programs and data available to Open Source developers without special coding techniques. Access Open Source Web Services right from your IBM i programs just like you would call another RPG or CL program. Eradani Connect opens up your IBM i to new technology.
IBMi Development

It’s Easy

Automatically handle all the translations as data moves from the IBM i to Open Source and back. No need to translate JSON strings in RPG or to convert RPG parameters to JSON—Eradani Connect does it for you. Eradani Connect also simplifies maintenance by eliminating the complex dual maintenance usually required to keep the systems synchronized as data formats change.
IBMi Dev Secure

It's Secure

Utilize standard token-based authentication when connecting to your IBM i. Verify the identity of the user and then pass tokens between the browser and the server. Eliminate the need to send IBM i credentials across the internet multiple times and the requirement to store the credentials in the browser. By supporting tokens, Eradani Connect allows you to integrate your IBM i APIs with standard authentication like OAuth.

It Just Works.

IBM i Developer

The Answer is Simple.

Eradani Connect makes it easy to securely expose your IBM i programs and data to the latest in Web, Mobile, Big Data, Machine Learning, IoT and other emerging technologies. At the same time, you can easily call Open Source Web Services right from your RPG programs without worrying about how to translate data from JSON to RPG parameters. 

Eradani Connect does the hard work for you.

It Just Works.


How Eradani Connect Helps


New User Experiences and Custom Dashboards

Do you want to give salespeople, customer support staff, warehouse workers, medical professionals, agents and your end user customers mobile and web access to your IBM i applications? With Eradani Connect, you can hire Open Source developers to rapidly build great new user experiences and customer self-service dashboards for your IBM i applications without training the developers in how to use or develop programs on the IBM i. The Open Source developers can securely call IBM i resources without getting the RPG coders involved in doing things like writing stored procedures and JSON translators. And Eradani Connect will synchronize changes you make to your database with the Open Source code.
Application Integration

Application Integration

Would you like to integrate your IBM i applications with new applications written in languages like Python, JavaScript, PHP, Java, and others? Would your customers and business partners like to share data and link their applications to your applications via Web Service interfaces? Eradani Connect makes this easy. With Eradani Connect, you can make your programs and data available securely via APIs and you can call external APIs to gather data for your systems. Eradani Connect makes it easy to participate in todays interconnected business environment.



Are you interested in integrating your native IBM i development with development on other platforms? Would you like to take advantage of the cost savings and productivity benefits of powerful Open Source DevOps tools like Git, Jenkins and Microsoft Azure DevOps? Eradani Connect for DevOps allows you to manage your IBM i code with all the same tools that you use for Open Source development. With Eradani Connect for DevOps you can store your IBM i code in Git, build your IBM i applications with Make and Deploy using tools like Ansible. Or, you can plug your IBM i code into the latest in Microsoft’s Azure DevOps tool chain. With Eradani Connect, you can manage, view and audit all of your development activities with a common set of tools.


With Eradani True Cloud for IBM i, you can easily spin up new partitions for development and testing. With just a few clicks, you can copy an existing environment including all of its applications and data on all platforms. You can then run OS upgrade tests, application change tests and load tests with an exact copy of your production environment. If you want to do checkpoint/restart testing, you can simply instantiate the copy repeatedly. Each time you restart, you are beginning with the same original data. Eradani True Cloud makes it easy to significantly improve testing productivity and effectiveness.