
Eradani iGit

Eradani iGit

Version 2.6.1

Add IBM i code to your enterprise Git-based version control by managing your RPG, COBOL, CL, DB2, and other native IBM i source with Git. With Eradani iGit, you can quickly load your IBM i code into a local IBM i Git repository or a hosted repository on GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab, or other popular Git sites. You can work on your code directly from RDi, PDM/SEU, Visual Studio Code, or other IDEs while taking advantage of the power of Git.

  • Manage your IBM i code in the same repository in which you manage your open source and non-IBM i code.
  • You can easily view the history of changes with just a mouse click. You can view changes by source member, task, commit (a set of related changes), application version, user, and other criteria.
  • Track bug fixes and enhancements through the latest tools. View the list of IBM i objects that are changing directly inside your issue tracking system (e.g., GitHub Issues, Jira, ServiceNow, Service DeskPro, etc.) Review the non-IBM i (web, mobile, open source, etc.) changes at the same time in the same place.
  • Initiate lifecycle management operations (e.g., builds, promotions, deployments, etc.) using modern tools like Jenkins and Azure DevOps.
  • Automate audit compliance with comprehensive change reporting. See all change history by who made the change, when the change was made, and for what purpose.

Automate DevOps Processes by Using Open Source Tools

Eradani iGit combines with the rest of the Eradani DevOps Suite to manage and automate your entire development process using the latest in open source tools. You have a single point of visibility and control across all of your platforms around everything that happens from the time a change request arises until you deploy the code changes into production.

Reduce Costs and Improve Productivity by Using the Latest Free Open Source Tools to Manage Your IBM i Development

Use Git for IBM i Native Code

Use all the functions of Git, the most powerful version control tool on the planet.

Utilize a Single, Secure Code Repository

Keep all your source code across all your platforms in one tool. 


Automate Creates, Dependency Builds, Approvals, Promotions, and Deployments using popular tools like Jenkins and Azure DevOps. 

Use Your Favorite Tools

Work from green screen tools like PDM and SEU or from RDI and Visual Studio Code. Use the tools you like.