Mobile/Handheld/ POS
Integration APIs
Deliver Relevant, Actionable
Information to Mobile and
Handheld Devices
The ubiquity of mobile devices and handhelds makes it possible to disseminate and gather up-to-date information continuously. Warehouse workers can be guided to inventory locations for packing or to loading docks to unload shipments. Manufacturing floor workers can enter information about process status. Drivers can optimize routes and adjust directions in response to changing conditions. Salespeople can display product information and book orders while sitting in a café with a customer. These devices enhance the way we do business.

Window Manufacturer Deploys Timely On-Site
Customer Quoting and Ordering

A window covering manufacturer wanted to make it easier for their representatives in the field to provide quotes to customers while they were still at the customer’s home.
They created a mobile app that would allow the rep to measure the windows and send that information to the manufacturer’s IBM i. The IBM i application would send back inventory information and options that the rep could present to the customer. Once the customer had made their selection, the IBM i generated a quote. If the customer approved, the rep could submit the order right from the mobile device.
Through Eradani Connect and the automated process, they closed deals in a few minutes (something that took a days with their manual, paper-based system), simultaneously saving time and operational costs.
It just works.

How Our Customer Benefits From Eradani Connect
Improved booking rate
Increased customer satisfaction with fast quote time
Reduced manual labor costs

Want to Know More About
Mobile/Handheld/POS Integration APIs?
Contact us, if you need more information on how Eradani Connect can help you with mobile/handheld/POS integration APIs.
We are happy to answer any questions for you!