Eradani Connect: The Secret to IBM i (AS/400) Modernization

Traditional IBM i environments built on RPG, COBOL, and green-screen interfaces result in technical debt that drags down agility. Modernizing the applications is essential for competitiveness. But transforming those entrenched systems is daunting.

This is where Eradani Connect comes in.

Eradani Connect provides the secret weapon for transitioning IBM i environments to leverage modern technologies.

With its centralized integration hub architecture, Eradani Connect uniquely bridges legacy and modern.

Modernizing RPG Applications

Many IBM i shops have vast legacy codebases written in older versions of RPG. Modernizing this legacy code is crucial for developer productivity and application agility. With Eradani Connect, you can take a phased approach to revitalizing RPG systems. Eradani Connect’s simple and secure APIs make it easy to access programs and data from existing applications. This means that developers can start building new functions in languages like .Net, JavaScript, Java, PHP, Python and others and access those functions right from within their RPG code. Or, they can call their RPG programs right from the new languages.

Rather than high-risk “big bang” rewrites, you can build net-new applications using up-to-date languages, frameworks, and architectures. These new applications leverage existing business logic through Eradani Connect APIs. This enables a crawl-walk-run approach to Modernization. As new applications components deliver value, legacy versions can be retired responsibly. RPG modernization is gradual versus disruptive.

By freeing up your RPG code and making it securely available to other systems, Eradani Connect turns your applications into valuable assets that can be reused for new purposes. With Eradani Connect handling integration needs, RPG code can be streamlined and optimized for its core purpose. This simplification makes adopting new technologies seamless.

Modernizing the IBM i Platform

Transitioning the overall IBM i platform also benefits from Eradani Connect’s API-centric design. Core system APIs transform fixed-function system interfaces into flexible services.

Whatever modern technologies you want to adopt, Eradani Connect eliminates the barriers and protects existing systems. You can innovate at the pace you want without custom coding every interface.

Uniquely Designed for Gradual, Low-Risk Modernization

Unlike other integration tools designed for general SOA, Eradani Connect is purpose-built for modernizing IBM i environments. Its lightweight, non-intrusive architecture is ideal for extending legacy systems versus ripping and replacing them.

With Eradani Connect, you can:

Don’t try to modernize IBM i with tools not designed for its unique integration needs. Purpose-built for IBM i, Eradani Connect simplifies modernizing legacy systems and the platform for the API economy.

Start Your Modernization Journey Today

There is no need to tackle IBM i modernization all at once. With Eradani Connect, you can start where it makes most sense for quick wins. Our team is ready to help assess your modernization priorities and demonstrate Eradani Connect’s capabilities.

Don’t let technical debt hold your IBM i systems back. Contact us today to explore how Eradani Connect can uniquely accelerate responsible, low-risk modernization. The journey can start small when you have the right secret weapon.